Sculpture FAQs

What do you sculpt? 

I sculpt dragons and other whimsical creatures that dwell in my imagination. I'm honing my skills and would love to create realistic mermaids, fairies and breathe life into characters I'm developing. My favorite types of sculptures are free standing but on occasion, I do like to sculpt pendants, ornaments and wall hangings. From time to time I do create creatures other than dragons. Dragons however will always be a favorite of mine because, dragons of course!

What type of materials do you use?

My favorite polymer clays are Sculpey brand (premo, sculpey firm and medium blends), Cosclay and Fimo. The type of clay I use depends upon what I'm creating. Premo/Fimo is best for the vibrant array of colors they offer. Sculpey Firm, Medium, Living doll and the new Cosclay I use are in flesh tones or grey only so I have to paint them with acrylics once they are baked. I also like to use pastel chalk and mica powders to accent some of my pieces. I incorporate swarovski crystals, glass beads, metal accent pieces, nail art and whatever happens to catch my fancy when I'm creating.

What types of tools do you use?

The beauty of sculpting in polymer clay is that almost anything can be used as a tool! A must have for me are ball styluses in varying sizes, a knitting needle for blending small pieces and rubber stylized tools for creating textures, manipulating the clay into different shapes and blending. Please check out my instagram page where I share a list of tools under my FAQs section.

Do you take commissions or art trades?

No, at this time I do not take any commissions or art trades. 

What inspires you when you are creating?

Nature, flowers and pure fantasy. I love to imagine a world with fantastical dragons, creatures and magic! I especially love to day dream what dragons and creatures would possibly look like if they were in our world and all the ways they could camouflage themselves to hide among us.

Do you have any tutorials or videos?

Not at this time. I still consider myself new to sculpting and as such, I don't feel I have any wisdom to share that isn't already out there in easily accessible youtube and social media content. Never say never however, as this is something I may do and offer in the future.

I've seen a WIP creation of yours that I like. Can I reserve it?

I love sharing my work in progress creations on social media. As a result I sometimes get multiple requests to reserve an item. To be fair to everyone I do not take reservations. I will keep creating and if particular sculpts get a lot of requests and attention like my Dragon Kelpies and Bamboo Dragons, rest assured I will be making more.

Will you make exact copies of certain sculptures?

Every sculpture I make is handmade and original. I will never attempt to make an exact duplicate of an item I've created. The only exceptions to this rule is resin casting and molds which I plan on doing in the future. The other possibility is recreating a newer version of a sculpture several years later if my style has drastically changed and improved.

How long does it take for you to create something?

It all depends on simplicity and size of a sculpt. Very simple sculpts can take 2-3 hours, sometimes less. However I have a very difficult time keeping things simple lol. The larger and more complex sculpts can take hours. The most hours I've logged on a sculpt is roughly 16 hours I believe.

How do you price your sculptures?

Prices vary according to materials and the time it takes to complete a sculpt. Smaller and simpler sculpts will be a lot cheaper and on average cost anywhere from $20-40. They range in size from 2 to 4 inches in height. Sculpts that are more complex, have greater detail or that are large in size take a lot more time to complete and will cost $40 and up. Expenses in materials such as the type of clay used, crystals etc is also factored in.

Do you ever make well known characters in your style of dragons?

No, I will not make anything after any artist, character or story that has been copyrighted. I respect copyrights and certainly wouldn't want anyone copying my style of art and profiting off of it. I also would never want to be sued for copyright infringements. The only time its not considered copyright infringement is if its done as fan art. There is no money or profit made off of it if the fan art is made for the artist themselves or given away for free in a contest, giveaway or promotion. That is the only exception I will make to the rule is if I'm making something for my personal collection or as a free give away promotion.

How often do you have shop updates?

I will try to announce updates at least a few days to a week prior once I have a date set. Announcements will be made on my website, Instagram and Facebook pages. I'm looking into creating a newsletter as well.  I'm trying to aim for every two weeks but this can change due to how many pieces I have ready or life events. I'm currently considering posting sculpts as they are finished but I have to think on it.

I really wanted one of your dragons but it was sold before I was able to check out.

I know its frustrating and I've actually had that happen to me more times than I can count when I try to buy from my favorite artists. Unfortunately I have no control over this once a listing goes live. Who gets the item depends on a lot of factors such as internet speed, method of payment and ultimately, who checks out first. I will work on updating this section with any helpful information that I come across.

Will you be making any resin casts and molds?

This is actually something I'm working on currently. I do want to be able to offer more affordable options for everyone as well as be able to offer more of my art for those who enjoy it. I will also try to keep casts as originals since they will all be hand painted, so no two will be exactly the same although they may be the same pose etc.

Any future plans for stickers or coloring pages?

I do have plans for creating stickers and coloring pages, but its all a work in progress as I'm currently learning how to make digital art in procreate. I am also working on creating a children's book based off of Hinano.